Thursday, March 25, 2010

My meetings this week

I was wondering on how much meetings I had this week and was trying to write some thing to figure that out automatically. AppleScript came to help since I was using ical and it took me about 3 hours to start from basics to get what I have, the following code. Result is 18 meetings and the total time I spend on meetings is 16 hours.

global total_meeting_hours

global num_meetings

set total_meeting_hours to 0

set num_meetings to 0

tell application "iCal"

tell calendar "calendar"

set theEvents to every event

repeat with e in theEvents

set sd to start date of e

set sm to month of sd

set d to day of sd

if sm contains March and (d > 21 and d < 27) then

set ed to end date of e

set h to (ed - sd) / (60 * 60)

set m_summary to summary of e

set total_meeting_hours to total_meeting_hours + h

set num_meetings to num_meetings + 1

end if

end repeat

end tell

end tell


display dialog total_meeting_hours

display dialog num_meetings

Posted via web from spartan's posterous

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Crockford's Talk

  • HTML was derived from SGML. SGML is something used internally at IBM and Tim adopted it for world wide web
  • The browser makers went into a competition on who could make the best sense of a very bad html document
  • Next is the end of all things!

Posted via web from spartan's posterous

Yahoo Maps

Its very inconvenient that I have to do an extra click on the text box to start typing in something. Why don't they auto focus?

Posted via web from spartan's posterous